The best therapy combines two key ingredients:
An authentic, strong, and genuine relationship between the therapist and client.
The use of thoughtful, evidence-based treatments to help the client overcome the challenges they’re facing.
Working together, we’ll put both ingredients to use. We’ll form a genuine partnership that honors and values your life and experiences.
We’ll identify your concerns, discuss your goals for treatment, and create a tailored plan to address those goals.
Then, we’ll apply our expertise in the field of clinical psychology to give you the tools to navigate the challenges you’re facing and build the life you want.
Think of therapy less as meeting with a drill sergeant or a friend, and more as traveling with a guide.
A drill sergeant barks order and tells you what to do. They’re the boss, and your job is to follow orders. Some people think therapy is like this.
A friend sits and listens to you, maybe offers advice from time to time, and may or may not know how to help you. Other people think therapy is like this.
The reality is that therapy, at least at Embark, is like neither of these things. Instead, think of therapy as two people traveling a path together. In this case one of us (Dr. Martin) is the guide and one of us (you) is the traveler.
You are doing your best to navigate your life in the midst of some very real challenges. You don’t need a drill instructor to yell at you, or a friend to be lost beside you. Instead, you need a guide to walk the path with you. Someone who has walked it before and knows the way. That’s where we come in. Dr. Martin will use his expertise as a psychologist to provide direction and encouragement as you move towards the life you want to live. One step at a time.
Evidence-based treatments at Embark.
We have a strong track record experience providing therapy in individual, couples, and group formats.
The common thread to our approach is a thoughtful dedication to interventions, backed by strong research evidence.
This means we only use therapies that are proven to be effective. Please see below for examples of these interventions and the concerns they can address.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (for Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Pain, or Addiction)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (for Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Pain, Insomnia, or Addiction)
Cognitive Processing Therapy (for PTSD and Trauma Related Disorders)
Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (for PTSD and Addiction)
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (for Borderline Personality Disorder or General Emotional Dysregulation)
Exposure, Relaxation, and Rescripting Therapy (for Trauma-related Nightmares)
Exposure and Response Prevention (for Phobias, OCD, or Panic Disorder)
Integrative Behavioral Couples Therapy (for Relational Distress)
Motivational Interviewing (for Addiction)
Prolonged Exposure (for PTSD and Trauma Related Disorders)
Written Exposure Therapy (for PTSD and Trauma Related Disorders)
Dr. Martin completed formal, structured trainings in these therapies at Tufts Medical Center, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and the Department of Veterans Affairs.